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Empowerment through Perspective

Time to SHIFT

We are at a pivotal stage in the evolution of human consciousness. Many bodies of science have now proven that energy precedes material reality, that you are the sole creator of your life experience, and that YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MIRACLES. The only thing holding you back is your limited beliefs about who and what you are. We are committed to helping you awaken your greatest potential, align with your soul's purpose, and become an upgraded version of who you are meant to be.  Using science, spirituality and practical applications we help you SHIFT into the person you're meant to be so as to have the life that you are meant to have. This is a journey to TRUE WEALTH: inner peace, outer purpose, optimized health, and unending joy. Wake up to who you really are! Book a complimentary connection call with us today. 


Pick Your Spiritual Shift Coaching Package

Book the level of coaching that meets your needs.

Your wellbeing and happiness is far more important to us than money!

 We offer a sliding scale and we are happy to accommodate your budget.

Group Coaching    $119 monthly                                  

Personal Coach      $449 monthly                                  

Couples Coach      $649 monthly                                  

Book Your Costa Rica
Intensive Retreat Today!

The ultimate pampering and transformative personal retreat!Daily gourmet organic meals, personal yoga and meditation sessions, gene-key mapping, 1-on-1 personal evolution coaching, massage treatments, dietary education, intention setting workshops, sunset beverages and activities, ecstatic dancing & more!

Individual Ocean front   $3,399

The ultimate pampering and transformative personal retreat!Daily gourmet organic meals, personal yoga and meditation sessions, gene-key mapping, 1-on-1 personal evolution coaching, massage treatments, dietary education, intimacy & relationship workshops, sunset beverages and activities, ecstatic dancing & more!

Couples Ocean front     $4,449

New Podcast Coming Soon!

Our new podcast "Everything Is Spiritual" is filming and will be releasing this May - Stay tuned!

"Everything Is Spiritual"

Check out our new podcast! 




Emily walks the talk: she's a mama, love warrior and free spirit. She knows how to listen and reflects back the nuggets of wisdom pouring from your soul. Her life force lights up the room with magic and alchemy. If you're drawn to work with Emily, lean in & go for'll be in good company on the journey back to yourself.

Sharma Bouche



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