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  • Writer's pictureIsrael Brooks

The value of TRUE WEALTH

One of the most suprising lessons you'll learn is that money is not equivalent to true abundance or that your amount of fame, brains or beauty does not determine your worth. For example, if you have three days to live how valuable is your money? If you have it all but no one to share it with, how much do you really have?

Many of us have awoken to the lies we've been fed about almost EVERYTHING and have started journying from the head to the heart. We are choosing faith, freedom, adventure, and the unknown over the comfort of captivity.

Our obsession with money, physical beauty, external validation and the like roots us deeply in the fear paradigm representated by the ideas of scarcity, separation, speacialness, competition, comparison, etc. We become slaves to our self-made limitations that we can't even see!

When we can reverse the paradigm into the TRUTH (that is true always), we let go of our attachement to the way things look and to finding security in external sources. We embrace total freedrom which IS equivalent to peace, joy and happiness. We practice finding a calm center and intuiting the way and letting go of "what is". Welcome to the Love paradigm! Represented by ideas of abundance, unity, equality, neutrality, cooperation, acceptance, etc.

When we realize the unity of life and surrender to the path of heart, we can go with the flow in peace no matter what it looks like. TRUE wealth is a calm and regulated nervous system within a multitude of experiences. How priceless is it to be able to experience abundance while being broke or peace within a war-zone (so to speak). This is riches, this is freedom.

Our experience of life is competely up to us! We are always choose the lens with which we look through. When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change. We can welcome and allow all the emotions while limiting negative thoughts, coming back to the center, and returning to the role of the observer. This is self-mastery, this is self-realization, and THIS is the greatest wealth there is.

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